Shereeda L. Bowers is the Author of “Empowered For Purpose,” From Pain to Promise! In her book Empowered For Purpose” she gives us insight to her personal trials by way of using poetic expression.
Hey Everybody, I just want to say hello, and I'm so glad you've decided to follow Speak Loud. Thank you for all the beautiful Mother's Day comments. Blog Jog Day was truly a blessed event. Can't wait to the next one comes around! It's so Exciting!!! I love meeting new people!!! Feel free to speak as loud as you would like when commenting to topics. I will be starting Topics of the week starting Monday and i'm looking forward to hearing all the comments. The topic will run for the entire week. This will ensure that everyone gets a chance to post their comments. I understand that everybody schedule is different. Also, please help me to spread the word about my blog, and my new website. ( If you have not checked it out, please do! LOL "Empowered For Purpose" is now available. Pick up a copy while your there. Let's stay connected. Thanks Again. Until we blog again. Be Blessed!