You look at my big shirt, her short skirt, his baggy jeans, or their t-shirts.
You say, “We’ll never amount to anything.”
Why do you say all this?
Because I’m not wearing a suit?
Is it because I can't afford to wear a dress like you?
When I speak of my goals, you say,
“There is a person simply chasing dreams."
If I spoke like you, would you view me differently?
Would you look at my generation and continue to judge me?
So you're high and mighty! You got it all together, I see!
You got it all figured out. Yes, you're on top of things!
Careful how you judge me.
Hey, watch what you say!
You'll be me tomorrow, and I’ll be you today!
You wrote me off your job list.
Because of the sound of my name.
Hiring me, then firing me.
Would be all the same.
It doesn't even matter because I know who I am.
Though my mom birthed me, it was God who created me!
The only opinion that matters is what He thinks of me!
Your opinions did matter, at one time before.
Way before I found God and He opened up new doors.
Made whole through Christ and
awesomely blessed by God.
A beauty from within, I’m God’s’ favorite Star!
My appearance doesn't show who lives inside of me.
If God be for me, then who can stand against me?
Walking in an arrogance,
Knowing that I’m my Daddy's child!
I'm made in the image of the Almighty King.
On that note, my friend, I can wear anything.
It’s not in your job,
your car,
your wealth,
Or your clothes.
God Bless you, my friend.
It's all in Who You Know!